Member Stories

Ray Edmondson
Ray began his CrossFit journey with Insurgent in April 2018. He had just crossed the 300 lb mark and knew he had to make a change. His first day was abysmal, and he was unable to finish a simple workout. The first few months were the most challenging, but he focused on staying committed and coming in one day at a time. Progress was initially slow, but the amazing Insurgent community was key in keeping him going. Soon the change was noticeable. He started getting faster while lifting heavier weights. Things like pull-ups and toes to bar that had once seemed out of reach were now routine tasks. Other people were commenting on his progress. After two years, he has dropped over 110 pounds. Though he still isn’t where he wants to be, he knows he has the tools needed to finish the job.

Jonathan Acuna
For 8 years I watched slowly as my health deteriorated. There were days I couldn’t tie my own shoes. Fighting depression. Embarrassed to buy bigger clothes to fit my growth.
Once I changed my mindset I began the slow journey to break old habits and install new ones. Quit my corporate job, used MyFitnessPal to track calories, meal prepped, joined CrossFit, continued to read books from Napoleon Hill and Tony Robbins.
It took time, but those small changes completely shifted my life. I share this for those of you who want more for yourself. You can do it, but know it’s not going to be easy. But it’s worth it, you’re worth it.
“You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”
Napoleon Hill
Drop In
We love meeting new friends. Feel free to drop in for a free WOD. Just sign up the form and we’ll get back to you.
Those who will drop in must have CrossFit experience.